British Kindergarten Fun&Math, Poland
The British Mathematical Preschool 's main objective is to introduce English into the children’s everyday lives so that they acquire it instinctively, and to utilize their natural abilities to help…
The British Mathematical Preschool 's main objective is to introduce English into the children’s everyday lives so that they acquire it instinctively, and to utilize their natural abilities to help…
The British Mathematical Preschool 's main objective is to introduce English into the children’s everyday lives so that they acquire it instinctively, and to utilize their natural abilities to help…
Alcuin Montessori School inspires students to reach their highest level of personal and academic fulfillment, and is not hesitant to use unique methods to achieve results. Integrating technology has only…
Alcuin Montessori School inspires students to reach their highest level of personal and academic fulfillment, and is not hesitant to use unique methods to achieve results. Integrating technology has only…
The National Flight Academy was founded to foster meaningful education programs for youth and adults. Their mission is to inspire students to seek out more challenging courses in Science, Technology,…
The National Flight Academy was founded to foster meaningful education programs for youth and adults. Their mission is to inspire students to seek out more challenging courses in Science, Technology,…
Colegios Ramón y Cajal is an educational institution committed to the academic and human education of every single student. Offering a wide range of education program from the age of…
For over 100 years, the Port Arthur Independent school district has focused on providing continued improvement to students in a rapidly growing area. Innovation, creativity and hands on activities help…
在1890年,教宗Leo十三世創建天主教達拉斯教區(Catholic Diocese of Dallas),至今100多年間蓬勃發展。現今是由主教Kevin Joseph Farrell主導教區以及協助教區學校與時俱進。幾經比較後,他們相中Newline的前端科技與簡單易用的產品特色,選擇Newline幫助他們完成理想教育環境的打造。 其一 聖伯納天主小學 挑戰 聖伯納小學的教育宗旨在提供一個安心學習的環境。這間小學座落於在達拉斯較不富裕的地區,但聖伯納天主學校並不認為低收入戶學生就只能使用次級的教學設備。 解決方案 小學的教室內安裝了數台65吋TRUTOUCH互動顯示屏,並搭配獲獎軟體IdeaMax一起使用。簡單好上手的互動屏讓老師與學生能嘗試更多形式的教學,且增加學生參與和互動機會。 成果 前端科技的TRUTOUCH幫助聖伯納大大提升學生的課堂參與表現。容易使用的特性讓老師與學生們使用新設備的意願高昂,使用率直接反應在教學改善。 其二 林奇主教高級中學 挑戰 林奇主教高中自豪於與大學無縫接軌的教育課程,但是他們也同時發現了升級教育設備的必要性。TEAL學習(Technology Enabled Active Learning)是現在教育界討論的重點,利用創意互動合作增進學習意願與成效。而林奇主教高中需要的正是能幫助達到TEAL學習的設備。 解決方案 80吋的TRUTOUCH互動顯示器安裝在數間教室內,搭配獲獎軟體IdeaMax,準備體驗科技輔助教學帶來的諸多好處。Newline的TRUTOUCH具有先進科技卻簡單易使用,上網、無線列印、收發郵件、遠端視訊教學、創意互動、腦力激盪等,都可以透過一台顯示屏完成。 成果 教師能非常效率且快速的將TEAL創意互動教學整合進現有教程之中,學生的課堂參與和學業表現顯著提升。當然,也能讓學生提前適應大學的互動教學方式。 其三 達拉斯教區天主學校總行政室 挑戰 達拉斯教區天主學校總行政室著重強調學校核心價值,更要保持生產力,不與現代科技脫節。為了保持成長,升級行政室設備成了第一要務。 解決方案…