Je bekijkt nu Newline and Ciekurins Kindergarten

Newline and Ciekurins Kindergarten

Ciekurins Kindergarten is a municipal educational institution from Latvia. It has eight groups. Total number of children in the year 2018/2019 was 174 and the institution has 16 teachers.


The teachers at Ciekurins Kindergarten are aware of how new technologies are changing education. The way of teaching and the dynamics in the classroom must be adapted to the opportunities of the digital age and in order to offer the highest educational standards to their students they needed to replace their interactive whiteboards with last generation monitors.


The answer to these needs was found in Newline’s RS 75″ model. The installation of one of these interactive screens in each classrooms allows the involvement of the students, awakens their curiosity and motivates them to learn. With the installation of all these interactive monitors, the Ciekurins kindergarten has become one of the most digitalized schools in the country.


With Newline touch screens, the teacher has the possibility to interact wirelessly with the different devices present in the classroom, with his own equipment but also with his students. The ease of use, versatility and connectivity made them choose this type of product so that students benefit from the first moment.