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German-Malaysian Institute, Malaysia

The German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) was established in 1991 from the outcome of a joint venture between the governments of Malaysia and Germany. It is a hub for education and advanced skills training. GMI provides comprehensive and well-balanced training in the field of engineering, with opportunities for specialization and self-directed learning and development.


For the implementation of Problem Based Learning, students are required to work in teams. GMI needed an interactive solution which would allow the participants to collaborate in exploring and sharing information together. The solution would also need to facilitate both small group work and lecture-style presentations, depending on the needs of each class.


Several TRUTOUCH displays in various sizes (65” & 80”) were introduced across classrooms in the GMI. Each TRUTOUCH display, with anti-glare glass and a backlight LED, helps presentations and lessons pack more of a visual punch. Non-proprietary and ease of use are the foundation of all TRUTOUCH displays, allowing anyone to connect to the display using their software and hardware of choice.

The portable interactive touch panel from Newline is the perfect solution for the students of GMI, allowing them to collaborate easily in sharing and exploring information together. The portable stand facilitates flexible use, seamlessly moved from the front of a room during lectures to all corners of a class for small group discussions.


The staff and students at GMI have expressed their delight after having incorporated TRUTOUCH displays into their classrooms. The flexibility and ease of use of the TRUTOUCH displays have given everyone at GMI the opportunity to experience state-of-the-art touchscreens and a quick setup for seamless collaborative group work.

GMI held the Professional Development Workshop Under Regional Cooperation Program for TVET in ASEAN (RECOTVET) at their PBL Center in December 2018. At the PBL Center, the organizer and the participants all had the opportunity to experience the TRUTOUCH display, allowing a quick setup and productive group work. The session, with 34 participants, was set up with ease and the presentation carried out seamlessly with the TRUTOUCH 80” display.

“We are very impressed with the interactive function of Newline LED Touch Screens in helping our Collaboration Training Class.”

-Ngan Cheng Hwa, Deputy Managing Director, Technical Education & Training