Pioneer Natural Resources, USA
Pioneer Natural Resources is on a mission to be Americas leading independent energy company, with a focus on value, the environment and technology. Communication, ethics, safety, and teamwork all combine…
Pioneer Natural Resources is on a mission to be Americas leading independent energy company, with a focus on value, the environment and technology. Communication, ethics, safety, and teamwork all combine…
Pioneer Natural Resources is on a mission to be Americas leading independent energy company, with a focus on value, the environment and technology. Communication, ethics, safety, and teamwork all combine…
The Ocean County Prosecutors Office works with law enforcement officials and citizens to create a safe and secure environment. Their goal is to ensure the effective, efficient and uniform enforcement…
Gene B Glick is an apartment management company covering over 20,000 apartment complexes across 11 states. They strive to distinguish themselves in the industry by maintaining a high level of…
Gene B Glick是一間美國物業公司,在美國11州內管理的公寓總數逾20,000之多。他們致力於提供且維持一貫高品質的客戶服務。 挑戰 為了提供穩定優質的客戶服務,Gene B Glick的團隊必須固定參加培訓。由於公司管理橫跨11州的兩萬間公寓,面對這樣龐大的數量,要讓每個員工都能即時更新公司規範與社區發展方針等重要訊息,員工訓練成為最重要的一部分。Gene B Glick需要一套視訊會議系統,讓公司與各管理中心和商務往來的溝通更加即時有效。 解決方案 數間Gene B Glick辦公室的會議室安裝上TRUTOUCH X系列協作觸控屏,多合一的觸控屏搭載兩個廣角高清鏡頭、四個降噪麥克風,讓視訊會議的影音效果清晰無比。此外,TRUTOUCH擁有系統高度相容性,可以與任意的軟體相容搭配。因此使用者不需要配合新的設備而學習新的軟體,每個人都能自由選擇他們慣用的軟體。 成果 數間Gene B Glick辦公室的會議室安裝上TRUTOUCH X系列協作觸控屏,多合一的觸控屏搭載兩個廣角高清鏡頭、四個降噪麥克風,讓視訊會議的影音效果清晰無比。此外,TRUTOUCH擁有系統高度相容性,可以與任意的軟體相容搭配。因此使用者不需要配合新的設備而學習新的軟體,每個人都能自由選擇他們慣用的軟體。
Denison Parking的總部位於印地安納波利斯,自1920年代就開始提供優質的停車服務,並導入自助停車的解決方案,數十年載持續保持業界領先地位。現在他們在美國各州共有48間辦公室。 挑戰 總部搬遷至印地安納波利斯中心富有歷史的商會大樓後,Denison Parking需要一個方便與各個辦事處團隊溝通聯絡的設備。董事會議室舊有的裝潢讓他們只能放置捲軸式投影布幕、使用投影機和過時的電話系統。但身為業界領導者,Denison Parking希望將總部的設備升級,用現代科技來更提升自身形象。 解決方案 TRUTOUCH X7安裝在Denison總部董的事會議室內。X7是一台擁有領先科技的互動觸控顯示器,且整合了電腦、攝像鏡頭、麥克風等視訊會議設備,並和軟體Skype、WebEx等搭配使用,讓會議能夠快速開始,和各辦事處的溝通速度加快。X7從安裝到操作都十分簡單,任何人都能輕鬆上手使用,開啟簡報、或觸控書寫,讓團隊能體現新進科技帶來的效益。 成果 TRUTOUCH X7 讓公司管理團隊變得簡單,讓Denison Parking持續規劃未來發展— 以更輕鬆的方式!All-in-one 的協作觸控屏也成功驚艷了自家團隊以及來訪的客戶,讓訪客有良好印象,將初訪客戶轉換為固定客戶。內建電腦讓公司資料能直接保存在X7裡,一觸開啟所有需要的工具!
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Denison Parking has been providing “best in class” parking services and solutions since the 1920s. Denison continues to help lead the industry of self-parking solutions. Currently they…
For over 100 years, the Port Arthur Independent school district has focused on providing continued improvement to students in a rapidly growing area. Innovation, creativity and hands on activities help…
Tennessees Henry County School System strives to help all students achieve success in a learning environment that is competitive, and is supported by professional staff, student families, and the community.…