Why a Newline touchscreen can help education now more than ever?
We are going through very uncertain times lately, we do not know what is going to happen in the short or midterm, unthinkable in the long term. What we can…
We are going through very uncertain times lately, we do not know what is going to happen in the short or midterm, unthinkable in the long term. What we can…
We are going through very uncertain times lately and we do not know what is going to happen in the short, mid or long term. What we can be sure…
The exceptional situation we are going through requires us to take different and effective measures to deal with such an unusual scenario and carry on with our lives in the…
Did you know that telework is a form of performing work, using information technology, in the context of an employment relationship, where work is carried out away from the employer’s…
The impact of travel bans and locked down areas is completely elusive. It deeply effects the global economy and our daily lives both personal and professional. From a business perspective,…
Newline is gearing up to showcase the latest solution in interactive display technology, the Z series. Designed to unleash creativity and upturn the way teams work, no matter where they…
AVI-SPL本日宣布已指定Newline Interactive為「Preferred Partner首選合作夥伴」,Newline為互動觸控屏及增加會議效能、實行協作創新軟體之領先品牌。 AVI-SPL作為最大的技術方案提供商之一,他們選擇與業界最好的製造商合作。在選擇「首選合作夥伴」時,AVI-SPL會仔細考慮許多因素:此公司需要提供一流的創新產品,並為其解決方案提供服務與支持。 AVI-SPL僅將少數製造商列為「首選合作夥伴」。 AVI-SPL全球採購資深副總裁Patrick Hannon說:「Newline Interactive是我們『首選合作夥伴計畫』中的一大助力,他們的產品能夠達到我們的期望:透過協作系統帶給客戶創新與服務。Newline Interactive擁有市場領先的創新互動技術以及完整的產品線,藉由與Newline Interactive,我們協助客戶改善工作場所並保持最先進的技術為客戶提供最優質的服務。」 Newline Interactive為AVI-SPL帶來了令人興奮的產品,以其創新和尖端技術而聞名,並擁有完整的產品線,從互動觸控屏、簡報軟體、壁掛架、移動支架到無線投影簡報系統。 Newline Interactive 總裁 Chris Bradford表示:「很榮幸被任命為AVI-SPL著名的首選合作夥伴計劃的一部分,我們Newline不僅致力於創造易於使用的創新產品,也努力成為一家服務完善的公司。從接洽採購至售後服務,我們都提供優質的支持服務。」
Newline Interactive and Microsoft are excited to announce that they are working together to improve collaboration and productivity within schools and organizations across the country. Working together, Newline and Microsoft…
The Caruth Institute for Entrepreneurship at the SMU Cox School of Business honored Newline Interactive at its annual Dallas 100 Entrepreneur Awards. The Dallas 100 recognizes 100 of the fastest-growing…